Sika grupi juhtkond on kaheksast kogenud juhist koosnev tugev meeskond, kes kehastavad täielikult Sika vaimu. Nende karjäär kontsernis on viinud nad Sika piirkondadesse ja tütarettevõtetesse üle kogu maailma ning erinevatesse ettevõtte üksustesse.
Thomas Hasler
Chief Executive Officer
Year of birth: 1965
Nationality: Swiss
With Sika for 35 years in the USA and in Switzerland
Mike Campion
Regional Manager Americas
Year of birth: 1965
Nationality: American
With Sika for 26 years in Asia and in the USA
Christoph Ganz
Regional Manager EMEA
Year of birth: 1969
Nationality: Swiss
With Sika for 28 years in Switzerland, France, and the USA
Patricia Heidtman
Chief Innovations & Sustainability Officer
Year of birth: 1973
Nationality: Swiss, American
With Sika for 26 years in the USA and in Switzerland
Philippe Jost
Regional Manager Asia/Pacific
Year of birth: 1971
Nationality: Luxembourg, Swiss
With Sika for 27 years in the USA and in Switzerland
Raffaella Marzi
Head Human Resources, Legal & Complience
Year of birth: 1970
Nationality: Italian
With Sika for 10 years in Italy and in Switzerland
Ivo Schädler
Head Construction
Year of birth: 1966
Nationality: Swiss, Liechtenstein
With Sika for 27 years in Switzerland, and in the UK
Adrian Widmer
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Year of birth: 1968
Nationality: Swiss
With Sika for 17 years in Switzerland